“Be Creative When Preparing Your Business Financing Package!

As I work with business owners, most of which have been small minority-owned businesses, the road to obtaining business financing is much more narrow than for others. Also, I've found that most did not have the knowledge or paperwork readiness to be prepared to seek financing.  According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), as shown on Exhibit 5, page 28, black or African Americans receive 4.3% of the 7(A), while receiving 2.1% of 504 loans approved in 2024. The disparities are disheartening! I want to make a difference and be the motivator for others so that they can receive financing.  Going through this process myself, I’ve found that our battle to fight for fair treatment continues. However, I’ve been one of the few who have received an SBA loan for working capital/start-up funds and another for equipment financing. The experience was transformative, not just for my business, but for my perspective as a financial professional and black woman. Now, I want to share what I’ve learned so others can navigate this journey with greater clarity, creativity, confidence, and a higher chance of success to receive financing.

The chart below with the 2024 SBA 504 & 7(a) business loan statistics for 2024: https://careports.sba.gov/views/7a504Summary/Report?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no

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I’m an expert underwriter turned business coach and entrepreneur. I’m one of few in the country who’s worked for both Freddie Mac in 1986 - 1989 and Fannie Mae from 2010-2016
— Daphne O'Neal

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